我们聊了一晚。 We chatted all evening. nǐ men zài liáo shén me 你们在聊什么? What are you folks gabbing about? 2 adv.merely; just liáo yǐ zhù xìng 聊以助兴 just for entertainment liáo yǐ jiě cháo 聊以解嘲 quell people's taunts for the time being ...
What does the expression "wend one’s way" mean? It means to proceed slowly and often indirectly towards a destination. 5 Is "wind" associated with any specific time expressions? Yes, like in "wind up," which means to conclude or finish something. 5 How does the function of "wind" as...
What does it mean to wrap something? Wrapping involves covering or enclosing something completely with a material like paper, cloth, or plastic. 15 How does wind differ from wrap in terms of action? Wind involves twisting or coiling around something, which can be part of a continuous or repet...
points toward the inner core of early critical theory's development because it cuts across two of the central concerns of the first generation of critical theory: art criticism and social critique. Walter Benjamin's work has an especially strong significance in helping us understand the entwinement...
I’m the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral, can’t understand what I mean? Well, you soon will… There is an unofficial stare down between the many who have now moved to the uptown side of the track and the few of us who have stubbornly?/knowingly?/hopefully? held our ground on...
v.entwine; wind jiǎo fǎng chē 绞纺车 wind a spinning wheel 6 measure wordhank; skein yī jiǎo xiàn 一绞线 a skein of woollen yarn yī jiǎo shā 一绞纱 a skein of yarn synonym nǐng拧 7 v.give a lot of care jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī ...
At least in the case where the gravitational description is three-dimensional, entwinement is associated with non-minimal geodesics, and it would be interesting to investigate whether the possibility of reorienting them by null vectors [44] affords hole-ography any additional coverage. Finally, the ...
entwine, enuring, envying, enwinds, eosines, eosinic, epinaoi, epinaos, equines, equinox, erasing, erepsin, eringos, erlking, ermined, ermines, eroding, errhine, eserine, espying, essoins, estrins, etamine, etamins, etching, ethinyl, eucaine, evading, evening, evinced, evinces, e...
be deleted but please get help Angie, from a doctor and not from people like the Chris Kresser’s of the world. Don’t forget, for Chris Kresser – THIS is how he makes HIS money. On articles like this. Don’t forget HIS motivation for writing things like this. Does he believe them...
too shallow and courteous. I want a bit of rage, a bit of imposing danger. And I’d especially love it if that narrative could entwine itself more convincingly in the billions of discovered quests, allow you to put chilling flesh onto the non-obligatory bones. Just a far greater emphasis...