(地下室) is the safest place to go.Try to wait under a table in the basement.If your building does not have a basement,stay on the ground floor but lie flat under a bed or table.Stay away from windows.If you are outside or in your car,try to find a narrow place to...
ChineseAcademyofScience.Withadiameterof207centimetersandaround380yearsold,thetree iscalledAbiesernestiivar.salouenensis(冷杉),atypeofevergreenfir. “In August,surveyors madeascientificresearchto Zayulagaintocarryouta more professionalsurveyforthegianttreeandregionalbiodiversity.Throughthecombinationofmanual treecli...
) Advanced in a forward direction or toward an end. Onward (adv.) Toward a point before or in front; forward; progressively; as, to move onward. Onwardness (n.) Progress; advancement. Onwards (adv.) Onward. Ony (a.) Any. Onycha (n.) An ingredient of the Mosaic incense, probably ...
and Nemo's hatred of setting foot on land, those occasions when he does leave the submarine are all the more increased. During such episodes, Aronnax has to be there as well to tell the story; but Conseil and Ned are usually left out/kept out. Typical is Nemo's sudden night-time...
Woodchuck is interesting material and new to me. Size 12 Dry Golden Yellow super fine dubbing Body Woodchuck guard hairs and under fur for over and under wing Hen neck brown collar Measure of Success I don’t mean to write from a position of power, as though I am expert in anything at...
(b) person who does not concentrate on what happens around him, but daydreams instead 做白日梦者: Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer. 不要相信他的记忆力--他有点神不守舍的. dream NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Several verbs have alternative regular and irregular past tense and ...
IT DOES NOT MEAN WHAT IT SAYS., We have found that the Bible itself tells us that it does not mean what it says, and I have just shared with you a newspaper article from Tel Aviv University in Israel, saying that after hundreds of years of deep investigation, they have reached the co...