A push, for example, does not mean simply pushing someone away or down with brute force. The action refers to a detailed sequence of movements executed in a precise way. Further, each of the eight techniques can be found in several different places in the complete set of tai chi postures...
The BSA policy is: “While the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA....
What does it mean to say that the economy is doing well? In economics, what does "real income" mean? What does "budget line" mean in economics? What does political economy mean, in the context of Macroeconomics? What is true about the importance of money...
Endowing this machine with global information availability (C1) would allow these modules to share information and collaborate to address the impending problem (much like humans do when they become aware of the light, or elephants of thirst). While AI has met considerable success in solving ...
So What Does ‘Transmission’ Mean?Making PerceptibleUp until now I have been dealing with forms of transmission in widely diverse f ields. I have also been dealing with forms of transmission that are not obviously subject to the regime of a medium, like radio or television, as this – ...
This latter trick may seem circular, as our whole objective is to get a metric on in the first place, but the key point is that the metric one starts with does not need to have as many “good properties” as the metric one ends up with, thanks to the regularity-improving properties ...
And this quote:"Fluorite lenses are also unique in their extraordinary partial dispersion tendencies:..." - Do they mean pure fluorite crystalline lens elements or does this statement apply tobothED and pure fluorite lens elements? There is a graph showing that the index of refraction of ED gl...
What Does It Mean for a Computer to Do Diagrammatic Reasoning? A Functional Characterization of Diagrammatic Reasoning and Its Implications Summary: One might have thought that the issue of use of mental images in reasoning has been put to rest after years of debate, but one would be wrong. ...
not against what creation is and does—but with harmony. God makes use of the human person who, himself or herself, is an entirely free and willing agent of that revelation. Thus, revelation is always marked by a theandric character (i.e. "the-" as is theos, "God," and "andr-" ...
there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, consider the impact typography has on the message being delivered. According to Robert Bringhurst, poet, typographer and author ofThe Elements of Typographic Style, “Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form.”...