What does a status change from "Editor Assigned" to "Editor Invited" mean? Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email coaching for this stage. Confirm that you would also like to sign up for free personalized email coaching for this stage....
I submitted a paper to an Elsevier Journal. After 5 days, the status changed to "Editor invited". And 11 days later, it changed to "Under review". Now, the stage is "With editor". Does it mean that my paper will be rejected, or could it have already passed from the editor...
Read these questions before you watch the video website, then what's the evil side? And answer the questions that. Who is calling lawrence? Who does the caller want to speak to? Why doesn't the manager answered the phone? What is the message left by david to the manager? Why does la...
1) FroZen (TiHe) What does the authoi mean by unfreezing in the title? 2) E∕sα is /)R〃g /〃∙ 〃M〃g 刀。: “力二 SRd /o £。必二 伊a” 6, Why did AnderSon-LOPeZ Say so? Try to explain in your OWn WOrds. 3) 77,cow 〃〃s /〃oi沁丽 7 o〃/ good α∕H(...
The status of a manuscript helps editors quickly understand what work has been done reviewing the article. The Under Review status: No Reviewers Invited - An ar
Explainer: What does China's innovation-driven development strategy mean for the world? BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) -- From the Yutu-2 lunar rover roaming on the "dark side" of the moon to the Fendouzhe submersible exploring the 10,000-meter deep ocean, and from salt-tolerant rice growing...
Does anyone have a good understanding of what article statuses, e.g. initial check or awaiting associate editor recommendation mean? I think some are fairly self-evident in retrospect, but when I first started submitting to journals I was quite confused and anxious. ...
What does that mean, let alone prove? For the rest, she relies on bald assertion. My “style” scares people. How does it do that? She gives no explanation. I maliciously pick people to pieces in a deliberate attempt to make them feel afraid, and what’s more, I’ve turned a deaf...
Pursuant to the aims and scope of the Special Issue it is part of, this invited contribution seeks to shed new light on the nature and working logic of legal reasoning. It does so by engaging with two of the most authoritative views on the subject which have recently been put forward in...
Well, WAC? does; we need a miracle every day. Blawg Review, consistently first-rate and tasteful, often literary, cannot be much finer or heroic than it is this week. A double-Blawg Review of the Year winner, Colin Samuels at Infamy or Praise is an admirer of The Divine Comedy, ...