How does the text work? What does the text mean? Through these questioning techniques and close reading strategies students deepen their comprehension, make inferences, and build background knowledge. QFT orQuestion Formulation Techniquefrom the Right Question Institute encourages students to formulate the...
In her books on how to teach English as an L2, Ur spends very little time discussing the question of how people learn an L2, or encouraging teachers to critically evaluate the theoretical assumptions which underpin her practical teaching tips. The latest edition of Ur’s widely recommended A C...
I'm not a tech dystopian. I don't think that machines or AI are going to get rid of all jobs, but I do worry about a sequencing risk. So there will be some disruption from AI, some jobs, some professions are at risk. And although eco...
In everyday English, sublime might mean ‘really wonderful’ butin literature it refers to work which provokes terror and painin the audience. Terror and pain are the two emotions considered most powerful. Unlike the terror and pain of the real world, however,when experienced via story the au...
What does ''idea'' mean in ''The Machine Stops''? Criticism Around ''The Machine Stops'': ''The Machine Stops'' is an essential story for fans of dystopian literature and science fiction. However, many critics claim that it is a pity that Forster did not to develop the magnificent plo...
So this book is set in a country that doesn’t exist because it’s a little bit … Okay, it’s a lot dystopian, and it’s a set in an indeterminate future when society has broken down into what’s essentially two casts. You have the Netted, and you have the Surplus, and the Net...
ANNE: You know, we talk a lot about what we've been reading lately, but I don't know that we've had the global conversation that goes, what does summer reading mean to you? Especially in 2021, I feel like these past few years have each been very distinct and have had their own ...
We asked 25 leading thinkers, authors, taxi drivers and monarchs to look at the world just over the horizon. From the joys of national dress to the need for…
Summer of ’84 is just the sort of film that can distract you from the satirical dystopian nightmare that currently resembles our normality. A group of kids suspect that their friendly neighbourhood police officer is a child killer, and spend their summer trying to obtain evidence of his crimes...
“How does listening to them make you feel?”. After building trust, you can dig deeper: “Do you think the women in your life would be hurt by that point of view?” Parents can also talk to children about the nature of social media, about the fact that images and videos are ...