What is TAH in medical terms? What is HA in medical terms? What does AMA stand for in medical terms? What does CME mean in medical terms? What does IOL stand for in medical terms? What does PT mean in medical terms? What is AC in medical terms?
What does the suffix "-opia" mean in medical English? A、 vision B、 condition C、 inflamation D、 muscle contraction
What does the suffix "-sis" mean in medical English? A.normal B.within C.condition D.disease 点击查看答案&解析 你可能感兴趣的试题 判断题 【判断题】藏族同胞大多信奉喇嘛教,当喇嘛祭祀时,虔诚的教徒要敬茶,有钱的富庶要施茶。他们认为,这是“积德”“行善”,所以,在西藏的一些大喇嘛寺里,多备有...
单项选择题 What does the suffix "-rrhagia" mean in medical English? A、 pain B、 flow C、 inflammation D、 rapid flow of blood 点击查看答案
What does the suffix "-asthenia" mean in medical English? A.weakness B.cancer C.inflammation D.condition 点击查看答案&解析进入小程序搜题 你可能喜欢 I should very much like to go to the party, but I ___. A、am not invitrd B、will not have been invited C、have not invited D、...
Brownett & T.Ramkalawan, "What does `disability' mean for medical students? An exploration of the words medical students associate with the term `disability'", Medical Education; 39: (2005):176-183.BYRON, M. et al. What does 'disability' mean for medical students? An exploration of the...
【答案】:C ”-ctmy" 的基本含义为surgical rmval。
What Does the NPO Medical Abbreviation Mean? DownloadNurse BingoToday! Liven up any shift with a fun game of bingo. See who can fill a row first! Fill a whole card and lose grip with reality. Your privacy is protected. We will never spam you....
What does terms mean in medical? 1.a definite period, especially the period of gestation, or pregnancy. 2. Carditis - Medical Definition 35 related questions found What are common medical terms? Top 25 medical terms to know Benign: Not cancerous. ...