DWB is "Driving While Black" DWB Definition / DWB Means The definition of DWB is "Driving While Black" The Meaning of DWB DWB means "Driving While Black" So now you know - DWB means "Driving While Black" - don't thank us. YW! What does DWB mean? DWB is an acronym, abbreviation...
· 3 WHEELIN Driving with one wheel off the ground · DUI Driving Under the Influence · DWA Driving While Asian · DWB Driving While Black · DWT Driving While Texting · TWD Texting While Driving Tell a friend about InternetSlang.com Add an acronym - Sitemap - Random Slang ©...
DWB Definitions include: acronym for "driving while black". DWT Definitions include: acronym for "Driving While Texting." PRNDL stick Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle. Other terms relating to 'fuck': 4Q Definitions include: "fuck you". abso-f*cking-lutely Definitions...
DWB Definitions include: acronym for "driving while black". DWT Definitions include: acronym for "Driving While Texting." FIDO Definitions include: acronym for "fuck it, drive on." PRNDL stick Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle. Other terms relating to 'nut': burst (...
DWB Definitions include: acronym for "driving while black". DWT Definitions include: acronym for "Driving While Texting." FIDO Definitions include: acronym for "fuck it, drive on." PRNDL stick Definitions include: the gear stick in an automatic vehicle. Other terms relating to 'the': 101 scoo...