This place looks like a dump. Don't feel bad about moving away from this dump. Dumper Same as dump truck. Dump An act of defecation; a defecating. I have to take a dump. Dumper Truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end of the platform can be pneumatically ...
This place looks like a dump. Don't feel bad about moving away from this dump. Toss Concern or consideration. I don't give a toss. Dump An act of defecation; a defecating. I have to take a dump. Toss A measure of sprats. Dump A sad, gloomy state of the mind; sadness; melanch...
What does it mean if a girl has a dump truck? The R&B singer, who rose to fame with the hit song back in 2000, finally revealed the meaning of the line "dumps like a truck" — for those who weren't quite sure. ... ' So, 'she had dumps like a dump truck' is, like, when...
What does recycling mean? The process of recycling collects and processes materials that are reusable and turns them into a different form. These materials would otherwise have been thrown away as trash and burned at landfills. What goes in the recycle bin? Some of the most common items that...
What does this mean? Practically you need to source from different datasets if your objective is to build a model that also supports detection for the missing object categories / labels. Beyond Coco Objects Despite providing sufficient list of objects, there can be in circumstances where the objec...
She's eighteen and bleeding. Bleeding a lot. She tries to push herself up, but the dirt around her crumbles. Her legs are useless. Despite it all, there's a smile of perverse joy to her face, like she's just remembered the punchline to a favorite joke. CLAIRE (V.O.) You know ...
It's been driving you all crazy! You've been texting, calling and even stopping us in the street to take a guess.And no, Googling it will get you nowhere. It...
go, etc like a `dream (infml 口) work very well 极好用; 性能极佳: My new car goes like a dream. 我的新汽车开起来得心应手. dreamless adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of sleep) without dreams; deep and sound (指睡眠)无梦的, 酣畅的....
As nature dictates, a few hours later it passes it through its stomachs and dumps it out on the ground... Then I would walk by and say: "Hey Sarge, you haven't changed a bit!"" soldier sergeant army joke book stick reincarnation rubbish cover thompson buddy reading bum Dislike Like ...
i eat the chicken i raise does not mean they are not well cared for Reply funk Feb 5, 2017 at 2:38 pm I can’t stand articles like this, esp how they put the cute little cow at the end to fucking warm our hearts or something, it’s a disgusting tactic, trying to appeal ...