Credibility– the perceived trustworthiness, honesty, and expertise of the service provider. Does the provider have the customer’s best interests at heart? Access– the ease with which customers can reach, approach, and use the service provider. A fast-food chain with 24/7 hours in convenient ...
This is probably due to our society’s connection to red and danger or warning. Retailers capitalize on this reaction to red to impart urgency in their clearance and sales signs. Case studies The psychological effect of color on our behavior is one thing, but how does this effect manifest ...
Last Thursday for example I hosted the monthly meeting of the Care Leavers Forum at the Town Hall and had great pleasure in showing them round a building which does not belong to me or even the Council, but which is held in trust for all the people of Liverpool including them. Like all...
Thank you very much for last night. You had the audience in your hand. Interesting topics, good gags, nice and pacey and neat touches linking it back to us. I really appreciate your diligence in finding the foodie research, checking your facts and getting the presentation just right. Lin D...