What does STC mean in school?The Structured Teaching Class (STC) is a centralized, instructional arrangement designed to meet the needs of students who have characteristics associated with autism.What does DTB mean on Snapchat?"Don't text back" can be used when you are sending a text or ...
·DTBDon't Text Back ·DTTCDon't Text The Cell ·DWTDriving While Texting ·EMOJITiny Pictures Used In Texts To Communicate A Feeling Or A Concept ·HUSPAZHurray (texting) ·N/TNo Text (subject says it all) ·NFTNo Further Text
What Does KLK Mean in a Text?home▸search k▸KLKThe Quick Answer The abbreviation KLK means "Que Lo Que?" (Spanish for "What's Up?"). Image for KLKWhen I write KLK, I mean this:"Que Lo Que? (Spanish for "What's Up?")"...
Discover why women are saying "DTN" in the dating scene You may have seen "DTN" all over social media, but what exactly does it mean? This trending term is short for "don't trust nobody," which people use to talk about breakups or other...