Natural disasters and the research object may be difference or out of phase, which does not involve the vital interests of the research object. In addition, followed by the residents' quality of life, to a certain extent, residents' perception of climate change may reduce gradually. Hagen et ...
Across the region, fire refugia extent was substantial but variable from year to year, with an annual mean of 38% of fire extent and range of 15–60%. Overall, 85% of total fire extent was forested, with the other 15% being non-forest. In comparison, 31% of fire refugia extent was...
For all of the structures, the X-ray structure was in excellent agreement with results reported in the literature with mean differences in bond lengths of 0.002, 0.044 and 0.001 Å for (1), (2) and (3), respectively. Similarly, the mean differences in angles were 0.086, 0.039 and 0....
Since the preference for a place is the result of multiple sensory interactions, serene, which does not mean absolute silence but no noise, can be achieved by birdsong or other natural elements combined [27]. This natural serenity often works as a good experience for relaxing and mental health...
1 June 2018 Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to take advantage of recent work on the study of resonantly forced baroclinic waves in the tropical Pacific to significantly reduce systematic and random forecasting errors resulting from the current statistical models intended to predict El Niño....
By nucleation of holes, we mean the quasi-reversible detachment of an initial number of flat monomers from a flat cluster and their random intercalation with the water molecules on top of the BLM. In other words, a hole is just a flat monomer that, upon detachment from a flat cluster, ...