eDmNbAlyawssaesmmbalydewoans amgaodled oenlecatrgoodlde seulercfatrcoed, eprsouvrofakcien,gparobvigokcihnagrgaebiing RcChTa.rgTeheinARs(CITI.I)TthrieggAesrs(ItIhI)etdriigssgoecrisattihoen dbeistswoeceiantitohne abpettawmeeernsethqeueanpcteamanedr DseNqAue. nTchee arenldeaDseNoAf H. TChRe...
2.2. Experimental Process and Sample Collection After the acclimatization period, healthy swimming crabs (N = 43) in the intermolt period with intact appendages were selected for the experiment. The boldness of the swimming crabs was measured using a personality observation system, which consisted of...
2.3.3. Faults Fault characterization is critical: indirect data acquired from outcrops or seismic surveys have a limited resolution which does not provide internal details of the fault zones. Additionally, direct lab tests are hampered by the generally poor quality of cored material for mechanical ...
For example, it does not monitor radiant temperature or air velocity. In addition, until mid-February, there were eight dataloggers U3430 available and two more were bought afterwards, limiting the number of households monitored in each period. It was preferred to reach a greater number of ...