英文 凯尔特文 what does it say what doest thou what dost thou what dost thou opine what eagerness what evil what exactly what for what fun! what had become of what had happened what happened What happens? what has happened what has happened to you 将“what evil"...
As noted, “understanding heart” in Hebrew thought combines heartandmind in modern vernacular. For the priests of Noah, however, interpreting scripture was a purely intellectual exercise—what Hugh Nibley called “a lawyer’s interest … [to] manipulate and interpret the words” of Isaiah for se...
It must be a horrible and soul-destroying thing to have invested so much of her life and career in a pretense such as that, even as it brought her opportunities and fame. She was and is talented; no denying that, but one does have to wonder if she would have been quite as famous ...
I’ve sat in rooms with parents and their dying children for hours as they gasped and drew their last breaths. I’ve seen severed body parts and absent eyes and drowned children and gunshot wounds and suicide victims. And I have never been as afraid or unsettled as I am now. Because ...
If killing them does not actually remove this person from the whole of reality, then it would not seem to be infinitely bad. If the whole of reality includes the past, however, it would be impossible to remove this person from the whole of reality. In fact, on eternalism, the person ...
6Blessed is the one who does not fall away on account of Me.” 7 As John’s disciples were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swaying in the wind? 8Otherwise, what did you go out to see? A man ...
What does it mean that God is the God Most High? God Most High is the possessor of heaven and earth, who gives offspring and land, who brings victory and defeat. God Most High is the supreme, sovereign authority over all things in heaven and on earth. Every knee bows before Him. He...
I will not get into details, but it reminded me of Jesus’ prayer in John 17.15-16, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” What does it mean to be of ...
What does Atri mean? Pronounce Atri [2syll.a-tri,at-ri] The baby boy name Atri is pronounced asAA-TRih- †. Atri is of Sanskrit origin and it is used largely in the Indian language.The name means 'prosperous'. See also the related categories,prosperous(gold) andsanskrit....
But does neshef mean the evening? Surely neshef means the morning? For it is written: And David slew them from the 'neshef' to the evening 'ereb of the next day,14 and does not this mean, from the 'morning dawn' to the evening? — No. [It means:] from the [one] eventide to...