retval='less than or equal to 20'; else retval='greater than 20'; end fprintf('x=%s\n',retval) %why %f does not work here. Why?댓글 수: 1 Dendy Gusmawan 2018년 10월 29일 편집: Dendy Gusmawan 2018년 10월 29일 %f is used for output formated is numeric,...
Open in MATLAB Online ThemeCopy max2 = @(x) max(max(x)); immax = nlfilter(im, [siz siz], max2); im(im ~= immax) = 0; result = im; This is the code take from a non-maximum suppression function. What does the 3rd line mean? Why can we use "something(something) = 0;...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 So I'm supposed to describe a function and I'm getting it all wrong. Can anyone see the problem? function file. functiony=Games(x,theta) t=theta*pi/180; v0=10; y0=1.85; g=9.81; a=g/(2*v0^2*cos(t)^2); ...
limit the maximum number of iterations. Doing so helps ensuring that the worst-case execution time does not exceed the total computation time allowed on the hardware platform, which is determined by the controller sample time. For a related example, seeUse Suboptimal Solution in Fast MPC ...
MATLAB Online で開く I have programmed a function which will sum the distances from a point (a,b) to each individual point (x,y). Then it will find the minium sum. Now, I need to be able to find what value of a and b results in this minimum sum. I am uns...
okpxls = minr <= r & r <= maxr & ming <= g & g <= maxg & minb <= b & b <= maxb;y
What does it mean to ‘Aim Cameras’ in Nexus? Aiming cameras is useful for providing an initial, approximate calibration, before you fully calibrate the cameras. To utilize Aim Cameras you will want to have your cameras roughly positioned within the volume. Create a Target Volume, from the...
The basic concept behind PINN training is that it can be thought of as an unsupervised strategy that does not require labelled data, such as results from prior simulations or experiments. The PINN algorithm is essentially a mesh-free technique that finds PDE solutions by converting the problem ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: A = zeros(9,1) A =9×1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s = size(A) s =1×2 9 1 [m n] = size(A)%This runs without any error m =9 n =1 [m n] = s%But this raises an error
Open in MATLAB Online Well, just look at howlinspaceis implemented: editlinspace It might explain some of the behavior you see. On an additional note, comparingdoublevalue is risky business. Not only the way you perform a computation (as you so thoroughly illustrate) but the order in which ...