The idea of ‘nature’ is at the very core of science, considered as its flagship and deepest link with human societies. However, while nature preservation has become a major social concern, the idea of nature remains elusive. We examine here the origins, etymology, and historical semantics of...
A dominant assumption in mainstreameconomicthinking, it acts as a shorthand indication of the effect of one economic variable on another, provided all other variables remain the same (constant). In the scientific sense, if we claim that one variable influences another, ceteris paribus, we are ess...
so they find it hard to apply what they learn to practice, no matter how good their idea sounds.nnAs far as I'm concerned, the program will not only offer opportunities to graduates but also bring back their confidence in themselves and in the future. What's more, the development...
. Most bimodal bilingualism research has involved individuals in highly English-dominant language contexts. We offer a critical examination of how existing bimodal bilingualism findings have been interpreted, discuss the value of broadening the scope of this research and identify long-standing questions ...
Currently, this is the dominant ontology in IS via sociomateriality (Orlikowski & Scott, 2008). However, the human being has de-levelled for too long in IS; we need a re-turn to humanism (Stacey, 2019). Drawing on the above ideas of human liberty through critique, we discuss four ...
dominant process of 'starification' in research, (3) a lack of resources and capabilities that might further exacerbate inequalities among genders, communities, institutions, and countries, and (4) the potential risks inherent to opening data and the specific constraints posed by...
Introducing Text to Speech: The Meaning and Science of TTS Your definitive introduction to TTS technology starts with a fundamental question: What is TTS? In other words, what does TTS mean? Text-to-speech technology is software that takes text as an input and produces audible speech as an ...
The belief in the possibility of social reform by conscious effort is the dominant current of the European mind; it has superseded the belief in liberty as the one panacea … Its currency in the present is as significant and as pregnant as the belief in the rights of man about the time ...
Children are also important participants, in internet anti-war movements.
Tukachinsky Forster: And I want to stress the importance of it, not just from the perspective of the member of the marginalized group, but also how important it is for advancing the intergroup relationships from the perspective of the members of the dominant group. So a lot of the animosity...