Minimum Education Level:Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD). Personality Traits:Detail-oriented, good manual dexterity, patient. Perfect For:Those with a passion for healthcare and a steady hand. Dentists are the champions of oral health, combining medical exp...
MFS Maxillofacial Surgery (dentistry) MFS Metropolitan Fire Service (AU) MFS Memory File System (OpenBSD) MFS Metropolitan Fiber Systems (WorldCom) MFS Monadnock Family Services MFS Mortgage Field Service MFS Maximum Flooding Surface (geology) MFS Monthly Financial Statement (various organizations) MFS ...
Minimum Education Level: Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD). Personality Traits: Detail-oriented, good manual dexterity, patient. Perfect For: Those with a passion for healthcare and a steady hand. Dentists are the champions of oral health, combining medical...