It's official. All remaining BTS members have begun their military service, as is mandatory for all able-bodied men from South Korea. Despite endless debates about possible exemption for the superstar septet, theDynamitegroup announced in 2022 that they would fulfil their duty towards their country...
In shooting, the initials ND stand for "Negligent Discharge." An ND is the unintentional firing of a weapon. In the military, all unintentional discharges are usually considered NDs, as it is assumed that a trained service person has control of their weapon at all times. However, in sporting...
The M4 and its predecessors have (and still are) used to full effect by the U.S. Military. As for the AR-15, this continues to thrive in civilian circles. Whether an off-the-shelf, ready to use model is chosen, or you want to build one from scratch, you can be sure that the A...
(2008). In retrospect: After their military discharge, what factors enabled combat Vietnam veterans to obtain a college degree and live a successful life, as defined by them (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oklahoma)? Retrieved from
The OTH does not require a court-martialin order to leave the military; this happens purely through administrative process. However, a dishonorable discharge is the lowest form of discharge you can receive and must come from a general court-martial - in other words - a trial. ...
How do you get dishonorable discharge? Dishonorable discharges arehanded down for what the military considers the most reprehensible conduct. This type of discharge may be rendered only by conviction at a general court-martial for serious offenses (e.g., desertion, sexual assault, murder, etc.) ...
I had a close association with several generals, I knew them from the time they were colonels, and a handful of them retired with four stars. They were all smart, capable, very approachable common people, but they also followed orders. I think the military DEI problem lies solely in the...
What does it mean to dump someone in a relationship? It means to end the relationship abruptly and without consideration. 4 Is there an emotional connotation to dumping? Yes, dumping often carries a negative emotional connotation, especially in social contexts. 4 Can you toss something heavy? Ty...
What does barred mean in military? It sounds likeyou received an honorable dischargebut something happened while you were in the ARNG to bar a re-enlistment. Service members receive a bar for different reasons, such as weight, alcohol abuse, substance use, mental or emotional health concerns et...
Loan Discharge Loan discharge often occurs when the borrowerdeclares bankruptcy, dies, or becomespermanently disabled. A discharge can also happen in cases of borrower defense where an educational institution is guilty of fraud or misleading a student in a meaningful way.24 ...