Pupils that do not respond to light or other stimuliare called fixed pupils. When should I be concerned about dilated pupils? If you or someone else notices you have dilated pupils or one of your pupils looks larger than the other after head trauma, seekmedical attention immediately. The same...
I had my pupils dilated at the eye doctor a few years ago and I really did not enjoy the experience at all. I know they had to do it for a good reason but I hope I never need it done again! After they dilate your pupils it literally takes hours for them to go back to normal....
What happens during a dilated eye exam? After assessing yourvisual acuity, youroptometristwill put a series of drops into your eyes. These drops will stimulate your pupils, making them expand or dilate. Because the drops do not allow the pupils to constrict (get smaller), they provide larger...
What does the size of your pupils mean? The size of your pupils is controlled by tiny muscles in the colored part of your eye (iris) and theamount of light reaching your eyes. In bright light, your pupils constrict (get smaller) to prevent too much light from entering your eyes. In d...
Have dilated pupils Be confused if awakened Have no or little memory of the event the next morning Following a nightmare, your child is likely to: Wake up fully Cry out for you Acknowledge your presence Be responsive to physical reassurance Be consoled verbally Calm down within a few minutes...
Minor body changes: There may be changes in your eyes and skin due to the side effects of the drug you are using. It could be bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, an unusual puffiness in the skin, or flushed skin. The constant presence of equipment for substance use: When there are always ...
Dilated pupilsto allow more light into the eyes, resulting in better vision of your surroundings Sensitivity to soundbecause your senses are sharpened to detect changes in your environment Pale or flushed skinas most of your blood is being diverted to the working muscles, vital organs, ...
Signs of respiratory depression include weak chest movements, as the chest does not rise and fall with every breath, and wheezy breathing that appears laboured. Episodes of apnoea, or periods of no breathing, occur in active fentanyl usage, mainly when the user is sleeping or unconscious - thi...
response of the pupil is to increase its diameter to allow more light to enter the eyes. If the other pupil widens but the smaller one does not, it is because it is not receiving the right stimulus for it to dilate. This further increases the size differential between the two pupils. ...
Dilated pupils Bloodshot eyes Loss of appetite Insomnia Intense energy and physical activity Changes in moods, such as extreme happiness or agitation Drugparaphernaliasuch as razor blades, mirrors, or rolled-up dollar bills It’s essential for individuals to be aware and educated about these warning...