This does not, however, mean they will do anything productive with their intelligence. For most of his life,the smartest man in the world, Chris Langam, a man who tested off the charts of modern IQ tests, worked as a manual laborer and a bouncer at a bar. ...
What Does a Will Cost? You canwrite your will yourself for free, but there is a risk of making a mistake that could cost your descendants in the long run. If you prefer a guide to ensure that you are including everything needed, online will makers such as Legal Zoom or Willmaker by ...
When you see your kids crying from hunger is painful. My house leaks and I have no electricity. The impact of structural inequalities and the resulting marginalisation was clear. When one applies for money, and they ask for bank card details, but one does not have the money to go to ...
Question: What is a mockingbird? Birds: Did you know that birds are thought to be the descendants of dinosaurs? Birds are actually very closely related to reptiles. All birds are vertebrates which have an internal skeleton. Birds all lay eggs. They all have feathers, although not all birds ...
What does 'Australopithecus afarensis' mean?Australopithecus afarensis:Australopithecus afarensis was an ancient hominid species that lived in eastern Africa about 3.9-2.9 million years ago. The most famous specimen of the species, Lucy, is largely responsible for revitalizing research into the evolution ...
regardless of country or language. Air travel today joins continents and peoples from around the globe. Today’s astronauts, descendants of the Wright Brothers, are able to walk in space. The Wright brothers deserve to be honored and remembered every December 17th, as pioneers for an entirely ...
Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name ...
Sports? Out of 317,000 high school football players, only 250 are drafted. And “drafted” does not mean having a lasting or successful career. In a 1999 analysis it was estimated that 30,000 kids were playing minor hockey in southern Ontario: ...
Interestingly, Chinese people often call themselves “descendants (传人) of the loong”.5 So, when we say “the Year of the Loong”, it might be a better way to describe the special year compared to “the Year of the Dragon”.
If you've been around for a while, you know that trends come and go, especially when it comes to women's beauty. But do men like the end result? We asked! This is what I posted to social media for one of my highly unscientific research projects....