he is happy.As everything exists only because its opposite exists, happiness exists only when pain exists.Just as a person who does not know failure never knows success, a person, who has not experienced suffering or sadness, never knows what happiness means.Happiness always promises a hope b...
对我来说,高质量、健康的食物固然重要,但如果没有社会和家庭方面的因素,我与食物的关系就会严重缺失一些东西)以及后文So while I will continue watching what I eat (because I have to),I'll remember this is not food's main attraction,but only a part of what food really means to me.(因此,当...
Architecture is not simply building. Over 2,000 years ago, Roman architect MarcusVitruviusPollio defined two base realities in building: “Firmness” (Safety) and “Commodity” (Use) and then offered what turns building into architecture: “Delight” (Beauty). ...
Empathy: Understanding, being aware of and entering into another’s feelings, thoughts and experience. Empowered:The feeling that one has the knowledge, confidence, means, or ability to do things or make decisions for oneself. Empty:Feeling unfulfilled; feeling you or your life has a lack of p...
The word 'alliteration' functions as a noun. This means it refers to a person, place, thing or idea. 'Alliteration' is a thing; it refers to a... Learn more about this topic: Noun | Meaning, Types & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 ...
Just as a person who does not know failure never knows success, a person, who has not experienced suffering or sadness never knows what happiness means.Happiness always promises (允诺) a hope by which people go on living. When they come to the point of losing hope because they have ...
How do emotions work? What is the importance of emotions? Where does emotion come from? Emotions, feelings, and moods are terms that are often used interchangeably, even when they shouldn’t. These three terms are very distinct. Regarding emotions vs. feelings vs. moods, emotion is typically...
I’ve written before about my conviction to move our homeschool to a more delight-directed approach. But what exctly does that mean? Where do you begin? The above definition of the word, “delight,” is a good beginning to answering those questions. Don’t you just love the word, raptu...
If this does not change or adequate measures are not taken, experts predict there will be as much garbage as fish in the ocean by the middle of this century. This is concerning the garbage generated daily; plus, it is necessary to add that produced within industrial environments, which, des...
Surprise & Delight doesn’t refer to special promotions or exclusive deals… there is no “catch”. Customers are simply treated to something of value, completely out of the blue, with no strings attached. Doesn’t sound like an ideal business model, does it… giving away stuff for free?