What does DEKU mean in Japanese? Overall, the word deku is a Japanese word that refers toa wooden doll or puppet. Traditionally, these dolls had no arms or legs. The word deku is also used as a teasing insult in Japanese to refer to a blockhead or dummy. The phrase implies that the ...
We report sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), mean alerts/100 days and F1, at 95% confidence interval (CI) for 287 ProMED-mail postings on 18 outbreaks across 14 countries over a 366 day period. Results indicate that W2 had the best ...
the English voice over for the cowboy sounded a lot like Matthew Mercer, who incidentally also voiced Chrom in the dub of FE: awakening 0 Reply 27 chipia Mon 18th Jul 2022 So what is the title of this game supposed to mean? Does it even have a meaning? 1 Reply 28 awp69 Mon ...