A. What does it mean to 'knock-out' a gene? B. How would the process of knocking out a gene aid in determining a function of the gene? How might gene expression processes be altered if the genetic code were not degenerate in nature?
What is the quantum level?Quantum Mechanics:Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics which is concerned with studying how quantum effects manifest in the real world. These effects are often thought of as being weird and counter intuitive.
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...
The relevant question, then, is why does a rising titer of the molting hormone ecdysone trigger a differentiation process in the flagellates of Cryptocercus, but lead to disintegration of the flagellates in termites? To address this question, the host-symbiont relationship at molt displayed by ...
Computers are already impinging on a core means of Nietzschean human liberation. Humans often define themselves by how creative they are - a question of identity (Adarves-Yorno, Postmes, & Haslam, 2007). But this is somewhat paranoid - machines creating art does not abuse nor prevent human...
For Philip Mirowski (2011) science degenerates as a result of its dependence to the logic and the needs of the marketplace; he shows how the adjudication of research to the lowest bidder progressively corrupts the quality of its results. Comparing Ravetz and Mirowski, it is fascinating to see...
In particular, it does not matter if the variations are of known or unknown origin, or fall under a deterministic or an indeterministic kind of physics. Continuing our detour into biology, the well-known Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium law in population genetics, which gives the relative frequencies ...
AB:So what do you think of our society, with spirits quite literally afoot – I think you mean that the psyche is a real entity, in and of itself, that it’s not just the consequence of neurons, and that it can’t just be described at a physiochemical level. ...
What, though, does Soames mean by “progress”? An analogy which he draws to elucidate his “philosophically and pedagogically motivated history” gives a clue (Soames 2006b, 606): The model here is the history of logic. Just as we standardly introduce students to the theorems of great ...
This does not mean thatthereabsolutelywere no monksotherthanthose associatedwith Sectarianordinationlineages.It meanswe haveno evidenceon thispoint. What, if Anything, is Mahayana Buddhism? 365 guaranteesthe authenticityof one's ordinationby tracingit back to a teacher ordaineddirectly by the Buddha ...