But it does mean that these scars needn’t be one’s defining feature, in one’s own view or that of outside observers. The problem is, of course, that it’s one thing to move forward in terms of arts and culture, but socio-economically speaking it’s quite another. Rate this: ...
Observe what the sample is doing. For example, the following kill chain scenario includes techniques observed in actual Big Game Hunting (BGH) intrusions and recreate it in a defanged manner. This is the ideal way of doing proper emulation and testing, but it is resource consuming as it invol...
mean-spirited, envious, resentful, competitive and status-hungry. Darwinian minds behave in quasi-sociopathic ways towards each other, not least towards sentient beings from other species. The systematic abuse of our cousins in factory-farms and slaughterhouses could have come straight out of Dante’...
on the other hand, an ad hoc political religion (I mean National Socialism, of course) needs be created (or, for the sake of argument, I’m assuming that it does) to get them to assert
in C:\Programme\Messenger with free download of Security Task Manager. I killed the process via WIN TaskManager, RENAME msmsgs.exe false_name_msmsgs.exe. Doesn't get lauched anymore, By the way, not being in C:\Windows\Sys32 does not mean that it is other than Bill's crap software. ...