Filing bankruptcy doesn’t mean throwing in the towel on the business you’ve worked so hard on building. Choosing Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy lets you work on forming a plan to pay creditors while keeping your company going. Talking to abankruptcy attorneycan help you decide...
Bycalabama71— On Apr 02, 2011 @dega2010- Your friend told you correctly. There is a law that was passed by Congress called the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This law protects the rights of debtors. In a nutshell, if you tell a creditor to stop calling you, they have to stop....
Debtors Anonymous offers peer support similar to what is found in programs for drug or alcohol addiction, helping you tackle and overcome your spending habits. If you find yourself spending money when you’re bored, angry, frustrated, or sad, you might be an emotional spender. It’s important...
Debtorsdon’t have to sell any personal property. If your home is in foreclosure, filing Chapter 13 freezes the process. Which Begs the Question Why wouldanyonefile for Chapter 13 when Chapter 7 would require paying back many fewer debts? There are several good reasons. Firstly, not everyone...
In what ways does the government guarantee loans from financial institutions, investors, and depositors, such as the case where it had obligations, such as bailing out things during the financial cris Why would money being bar...
And the second thing that voters said they wanted was the economy’s polarization. And we know, as we’ve discussed on this show, it’s polarizing between debtors and creditors. It’s leading more and more workers deeper and deeper into debt, and this frustrates them. They...
Also, note that many salary components are calculated based on the basic salary, and a rise in the basic salary would mean a substantial rise in the gross salary. Also Read: All About Special Allowance - its Taxation & Calculation in India Conclusion Nearly all employees have questions ...
Loan-to-Value is a useful indicator for classifying debtors. Though it is not the sole criterion used to identify high-risk borrowers, it does suggest how dangerous a loan is and how motivated the borrower will be to repay it. It also decides how much the borrower will have to pay in ...
Even though the feared recession has so far failed to materialise, this does not mean it will not come. In previous cycles, it took up to 43 months from the first interest rate hike to the start of a recession. So far, just 21 months have elapsed since the Fed's rate hike cyc...
Anunsecured creditor, such as a credit card company, is a creditor where the borrower has not agreed to give the creditor any property such as a car or home as collateral to secure a debt. These creditors may sue these debtors in court over unpaid unsecured debts and courts may order the...