de facto [dĭ făk'tō,]: in fact, in reality, in actual existence, force, or possession, as a matter of fact. ... Two other “facto” terms are ipso facto andex post facto. ipso facto [ĭp'sō făk'tō]: By that very fact; by the fact itself. What does habeas corpus ...
Footnote 56 Despite what might be first thought, with these words, Alexander and Sherwin are not suggesting (let alone, arguing) that analogical reasoning does not play a role in judicial adjudication. Rather, they are affirming that it plays a different role than the one that is usually ...
What is required to have a legally valid contract? What is a contingent contract in business law? What is the Reception Clause? What is a contract of service in labour law? What is Signed English? What does unilateral contract mean?
What does prima facie mean in Latin? What is contingent due diligence? What is mutuality of obligation in employment law? What is prima facie speed law? What are the four elements of a prima facie case? What is the categorical imperative?
What does .com mean? The .comtop-level domainis, by far, the most popular extension, and thus the one with the highest value for professional websites. While it was originally conceived to host commercial websites, nowadays its use has extended to any type of site, despite the long list...
The FTC ban also will probably not affect other types of contractual restrictive covenants – provided that those provisions do not function asde factononcompete agreements. The final rule does not render non-solicitation clauses, confidentiality agreements, or trade secret covenants unenforceable. Howe...
What Does Tenancy at Sufferance Mean for You? Photo: AntonioGuillem / Getty Images Definition Tenancy at sufferance is when a tenant who has legally entered into a property does not leave after the lease has expired. Different states have different requirements when it comes to defining a tenan...
Leave does indeed mean leave. “The referendum was only advisory” Remainers claim that the EU referendum was only advisory because there was no specific clause in the Act stipulating that it was either advisory or binding. This is irrelevant because it could equally be argued that the ...
The Second Continental Congress voted to approve the resolution to legally separate from Great Britain on July 2. But the document was printed on July 4, so that's the date on the Declaration. As Lincoln said, the Declaration of Independence is more than an American document; it's a ...
Neither career imposes across-the-board, hard-and-fast educational requirements. This means there is no exam you have to pass, such as the bar exam or medical board before you can even legally practice the profession. Individual employers set their own requirements for new hires. Generally...