The CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) color space is similar to the RBY (Red, Blue, Yellow) color model you most likely learned about in primary school. Both color wheels are comprised of three primary colors, which you can mix to create a variety of other colors. However, when it comes to...
What Does CMYK Mean? CMYKis short forCyan,Magenta,Yellow, andKey(Black), each referring to the four toner colors or inks in color printers. The combination of these four colors not only creates countlesshuesin the visible spectrum (depending on how they’reoverlayed), but also accounts for ...
What does the letter “a” mean after a printer model? Dan650 Apprentice 07-11-2023 02:16 AM What is the difference between printer models with the same number but one has the letter “a” after? Example Pixma TR7520 and TR7520a 0 Likes Reply All forum topics Pre...
What Does Dye-Sublimation Printer Mean? A dye-sublimation printer is a printer that works by heating ink and then depositing it on a surface. The term arises from the misconception that the ink goes from solid to gas without going through a liquid phase, or sublimation. Dye-sublimation ...
What Does Print Quality Mean? Print quality refers to the quality of the hard copy or printout produced by a printer. There are many factors that determine the level of the quality, but, overall, it has to do with the accuracy of the reproduction of the source material, which is influence...
Stands for "Cyan Magenta Yellow Black," or "Cyan Magenta Yellow Key." CMYK is acolor modelused for printing color images. It separates colors into four channels — cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. These colors correspond to the four ink colors used in home and commercialprinters. ...
What does DPI mean? DPI, or dots per inch, relates to a physical printer’s resolution level. By spraying out tiny dots, printers replicate an image, and the number of dots per inch determines the rate of detail and overall performance of the print. To monitor the amount of red, green...
The term “wide format” or “wide-format printing” is very much a jargon-esque term that doesn’t mean a lot outside industry trade publications or print businesses’ service rosters, and we have made the conscious decision to wean ourselves off the term “wide format” in favor of the...
Laser printers have toner cartridges with distinctive long pale blue cylinders. In contrast, inkjet cartridges are containers with wet ink inside. In a color inkjet printer, you will seeCMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) ink cartridges. ...
The size of the doji’s tail or wick coupled with the size of the confirmation candle can sometimes mean the entry point for a trade is a long way from thestop-losslocation. This means traders will need to find another location for the stop-loss, or they may need to forgo the trade ...