PEM 有许多高频 (HF) CWT 电流探头,包括 CWTHF 和 CWTMini50HF。 这些产品的差异化特征包括: ? 它们具有屏蔽线圈,因此显着提高了对电压(静电)场干扰的抗扰度。 ? 针对高频性能进行了优化,具有更好的(-3dB)截止和转换速率。 然而,对于给定的线圈厚度,标准CWT、CWTLF和CWTMini版本具有更好的低频性能。 下面...
A couple of expats in Kunming explained to me, that some foreigners come to China, never leave the big city they are in for years (they are always in one of the best cities in China, and only go to best areas), before shipping back out. These foreigners are in a bubble and never ...