A CID (Customer Identification) on Google Maps is a unique identification number assigned to a specificbusiness listingon the platform. It's comparable to a social insurance or driver's license number in that it's a unique identifier that belongs only to that particular listing. While Google Ad...
What Does LPM Mean in Display Command Outputs? A longest prefix match (LPM) table is a type of route forwarding table resource inside a chip. You can run display commands to view abbreviations of entry resources in the chip. For example, the display system forwarding resource service command ...
What Does LPM Mean in Display Command Outputs? A longest prefix match (LPM) table is a type of route forwarding table resource inside a chip. You can run display commands to view abbreviations of entry resources in the chip. For example, the display system forwarding resource ser...
What Does SSID Mean? An SSID, or Service Set Identifier, represents the name of a wireless network. Whenever you connect your smartphone, laptop, or tablet to a Wi-Fi network, the SSID is the identifier that allows your device to locate and join the appropriate network. Essentially, the SS...
The newly restored server will also have the server parameter aad_auth_only set to ON if it was ON on the source server during failover. You must manually disable this server parameter to use MySQL authentication on the restored server. Otherwise, an Admin must be configured. Customer managed...
What do the numbers in ICCIDs mean? The ICCID is presented as a single long sequence of digits. However, the number actually comprises four different elements. These are as follows: Major Industry Identifier (MII) For both mobile and IoT SIMs, the first two ICCID digits are always 89 (...
1. What does it mean to be ‘SCORM compliant’? SCORM compliancemeans adherence to the industry standard for communication between eLearning content and LMSs. Simply put, using any SCORM-compliant authoring tool means you can create a SCORM-compliant course and then publish it to anySCORM-compl...
A fixed IP address can be used as an identifier. With large numbers of IoT devices in play, fixed IP SIM cards mean that you always know the correct address for a specific device. You can access individual devices at their address quickly and easily whenever you need. ...
1. Customer Account DBaaS: Examples include AWS RDS, Google Cloud SQL, and EDB’s Postgres® AI Cloud Service. In this model, the database runs in the customer’s own cloud account. This allows customers to monitor how much they are spending on DBaaS resources and helps the...
7 Best Loyalty Program Apps To Boost Customer Retention in 2025 What is deep link? Deep linking is a methodology for launching anative mobile applicationvia a link. Deep link does exactly what it says: take users deep inside a website/application with a link. On desktop, deep linking is ...