Heart with arrow emojiThis emoji is used to represent an old folk about love shot or a shot of love. There is a heart with an arrow in the middle in this emoji that shows it is the cupid of love.2010 Beating heartThis emoji represents a heart that is beating. It may be in red or...
What does "luv" mean? "Luv" is an informal way of saying "love," often used casually or in digital communication. 12 Is "love" only for romantic relationships? No, "love" can describe deep affection in any type of relationship or even for activities and things. 12 Can the use of "...
Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus. Such was his form as painters, when they showTheir utmost art, on naked Lores bestow. Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw Love. Crush To subdue or overwhelm (a person) by argument or a cutting remark; to cause (a person) to feel chagrin...
CharmCupid 9.2/10 Visit SiteContents show Here you will explore the characteristics of Thai women, providing an insight into their values, beliefs, and culture. It looks at how they view relationships, marriage, and family life in addition to examining their own personal lives. Readers...
(Greek mythology) a beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him; became the personification of the soul Mental Of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw, genial. The mental nerve, the mental region Mental Of or...