Liberal arts are commonly misunderstood as “soft” subjects that lack supporting numbers or data. While the liberal arts definition does include humanities and soft sciences, it also encompasses physical sciences and mathematics. The key element in defining liberal arts is the intent to combine pract...
There is an important subplot within this story that changes things for Felicity and her mom. I know others have mentioned it as does the synopsis but I don’t want to share more because I enjoyed it so much going in fresh. I loved the small part Felicity’s bunny Whiskers had and how...
On Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21, executive chef Robert Osso, a deaf chef and the owner of Osso’s Kitchen + Bar, will be cooking up culinary delights on his food truck outside the Center. Renowned for his “silent gastronomy,” Osso has proven that talent has no bound...
Several common conditions fall under the category of autoimmune disorders. Rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and Type 1 diabetes mellitus are all autoimmune disorders. So are lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Addison's disease. Psoriasis, a condition affecting the skin and sometimes the nail...
His name was Cullen and he was a 2002 graduate of Johnson and Wales in culinary arts. Cooking was his passion and he served as head chef both at La Fourchette in Charleston, SC and at The Stone Terrace, St. John, USVI. His addiction took his life seven and a half years ago. We ...
When an officer assumes command of a company, there is a complete inventory of all equipment, material, weapons, and vehicles, everything in the company that does not breathe and eat. When that officer leaves that command, another inventory is conducted, and if there are any items missing, ...
While religion doesn’t dominate life in mainland China as it does in some countries worldwide, various belief systems coexist, including Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity, alongside folk religions and ancestral worship practices. However, the majority of the population classifies itself as no...
Some rules can be broken, and we will always find someone who does when discussing fashion. But even when you want to risk it, there will be safe ways to do it. And that is precisely what we will talk about in this section. In the infographic accompanying this post, you will find so...
One up side.My doctor told me one glass of wine a day does help lower blood pressure. Thank God. One small victory. While this really felt like a curve ball, I am thankful that I am so healthy. This is a part of life. My life. And I am really very, very fortunate. So I will...
Place under attack with one's own pieces, of two enemy pieces Fork Divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; The road forks Fork Shape like a fork; She forked her fingers Common Curiosities What does "folk" represent? Folk generally refers to people of a specific group, ...