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His eyes wandered past the weird figure before him; they played about the walls of the apartment as though hoping to draw inspiration from the dead skulls and the hides and the wings, and then they came back to the face of the Wieroo god, now working in anger. For an instant the thin...
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RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to THRIFT:Thrift Bank AcronymDefinition THRIFTTug Hill Resources Investment for Tomorrow(Morrisville State College; Morrisville, NY) ...
Anscor sells US medical staffing business The two Cirrus SR22 G6 aircraft, A6-CTA and A6-CTB, landed in Dubai following a transatlantic journey spanning over 13,000 kilometres. Video: Emirates flight training academy receives first aircraft The addition of multiple locations coincides with Cirrus ...
Medical AcronymDefinition MITCMost Important Terms and Conditions(various companies) MITCMonarchs in the Classroom(University of Minnesota) MITCMaine International Trade Center MITCMatson & Isom Technology Consulting(Chico, CA) MITCManufacturing Information Technology Center(University of Alabama) ...