it does mean you have to keep the internet-connected-computer on most of the time. And using port forwarding I end up having two computers on all the time. Reply Tom February 10, 2004 at 9:44 am Hi I have 2 computers and was going to go buy a hub. I have a cable connection....
What does it do to build consumer confidence in the product, in buying a "gem" that will become MORE PRECIOUS ouer time? If cultured pearts lose value, why should consumers put much money into them at aUF Rarity is what has driven prices historically. Fine quality cul- tured pearts are...
VA at baseline was evaluated in the majority of the studies: among the trials that reported the proportion of individuals enrolled with VA deficiency (n = 12), it ranged from 9.2% [26] to 100% [38,39], whereas in the trials that expressed the participants’ mean value of serum retinol...
We registered the review in the PROSPERO database with the identification number CRD42023398028, hosted by the National Institute for Health Research, University of York, Center for Reviews and Dissemination, available at: (acc...