The lead character in this true-crime story from Chesnutt’s 1992 album Longnecks and Short Stories gets to live out a revenge fantasy we’ve had on more than one occasion at the bar. Only, instead of cranking out too many Dave Matthews Band songs, this particular jukebox paid the final...
It’s always the same old sub-Fellini shit, featuring a lot of nuns, little people, and undercranking. A non-concert segment that works slightly better is a jam session on a set heavily dressed with stuffed circus animals, giant toothbrushes, and tons of reflective foil paper. (Did it ...
One way that I continually remind myself to practice is to think of “death by a thousand cuts” (good STEM example linked there) – what does it feel like to, throughout one’s life, experience what a member of the non-status quo does? In the case of a woman, what does it feel...
Now, if the Pudding-head in-charge does somehow manage to “forgive” student loans, the “I busted my butt and managed this on MY nickel” side of me is NOT going to be a happy camper, despite it freeing up some money for other purposes in our budget. Besides, I’d bet my taxes...
There is now a well-funded industry cranking out right-wing magazines, newspapers, think tank pieces, websites, and radio shows. You used to have to live in Reaganesque denial to swallow whoppers like the "fact" that the US has spent trillions of dollars on the poor with no result. Now...
What does it mean “there will be no Bakken….”? Does it mean that we do not have enough oil production to jack up the price? I thought if there is a shortage of production or a demand that cannot be met, the price goes up and not because we do not have enough producers. Ronald...
sum up the behind the scenes hard work the pride and internal motivation that keeps people showing up for work day in and day out. I can imagine it’s hard to keep that internal motivation cranking as a mechanic when people are tossing those bikes around the streets $1.00 ride at a ...