this day ill cherish this direct business this dissertation emp this does not necessa this economical this electric charge this expression means this fear this flame inside of this friday night this fucking day this golden opportuni this handbook this happened this hearing this hi this historical inf...
then in november then introduce it then it analyzes the then it have appeared then jesus said to th then jotham rested wi then king hezekiah an then leave the petals then loads then make people ill then maybe then mean queen at then mission accompli then mix then multithreading p then nebuc...
What does it mean? My friend always uses it, but I’ll feel stupid if I ask her what it means. 😛 Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Community Answers...
男,45岁,近半年感乏力,纳差,近2月出现腹胀,进行性加重,体重无明显减轻。体检:腹膨隆,腹水征(+),双下肢无水肿。B超示肝脏缩小,腹腔大量积液。乙肝全套示大三阳。(1)请写出该患者最可能的诊断答:乙肝后肝硬化失代偿期(2)对于该患者腹腔积液的处理有哪些 ...
What Does CR 210 Median Makeover Mean? Better Than Average Peanut PlantsByline: Beverly FlemingFleming, Beverly
What does ^^ mean in text from a girl? When a girl texts “^^” in a conversation, it’s akin to her eyes lighting up, indicating happiness or agreement. Envision her face, eyes crinkling up with joy or in a heartfelt agreement with what you’ve just said. It’s a less common ...
It does only generates the error in the subject line if you ignore those errors and let TeX recover. Subsequent errors are nearly always spurious. In this case \cr is the TeX primitive for a new line in an aligment which is used in the definition of \\. because the inner pmatrix did...
___A.Use it to scan text they need to read.B.Use it to scan images they can't see.C.Connect it to a small camera.D.Connect it to the internet.(2)What does " bee-free" mean? ___A.Bees can do what they want.B.Spend less money feeding bees.C.Bees can be set free after...
What does it mean when you CR and DR the cash in a bank account?Question:What does it mean when you CR and DR the cash in a bank account?Debit and Credit Entries:In accounting when a transaction is done the correct practice is to pass the double entries to the relevant accoun...