What does elliptical orbit means? What does scattering of light means? Z-Buffer or Depth-Buffer method in C++ Does mprotect flush instruction cache on ARM Linux Buffer Type in C# Buffer BlockCopy in C# What do you mean by buffer in C language? Clearing input buffer in C/C++ A-Buffer Meth...
It says for test case 20 in the checker log wrong output format Unexpected end of file - int32 expected What does that mean?? And i couldn't understand why my code giveswrongoutput. here my code. #include <iostream> #define maxn 10*10010 #define mo 300000 #define fori for (i=1;...
It is famous that in C++ you pay for what you eat. So, in this case, what am I paying for? That's simple. You pay forstd::cout. "You pay for only what you eat" doesn't mean "you always get best prices". Sure,printfis cheaper. One can argue thatstd::coutis safer and more...
(a) What is array bounds checking? (b) Does C++ perform it? What is the difference between a while loop and a do-while loop? 1) What is the output of the following C++ code? int []={3,6,9}; cout less than less than *(i+1); a) 4 b) 3 c) 6 d...
Microsoft C++ exception: long at memory location - What does this mean? fopen gives error if filename is more than 249 characters in windows2k3 32bit. fopen returns NULL for existing file fopen with string format std::wstring fscanf - reading "comma seperted file" Full working example to ...
std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl; } } Running it with./test a1 b2 c3will output: Have 4 arguments: ./test a1 b2 c int main(int argc, char *argv[])是Linux和Unix中的标准写法,在命令行中传参数这样可以接收参数,argc表示后面的参数个数+1(这里的加1代表程序运行的全路径名或程序的名...
std::cout << ptr << std::endl; *ptr =true; };// Configure some tasks to executestd::vector<VoidFunctionWrapper> tasks_to_execute;std::deque<bool>check_list(5,false);for(size_ti_check =0; i_check < check_list.size(); i_check++) ...
1英文更佳1.What does inheritance mean in C++?Suppose you have class A and class B,under which of the following two conditions class B should inherit from class (1)A is a part of B.(2)B is a kind of A.2.When should the keyword virtual be placed before a member function of a cla...
Really simple question but sometimes I've seen the word Padding used and always wondered what it really meant. For example if I had a string and what ever the input was I wanted to pad it to 32 characters, what does that mean?
Note that shorter does not always mean better. 4th Apr 2018, 10:26 AM Bebida Roja 0 What do you mean by finding shortcuts in c++? 3rd Apr 2018, 8:22 PM Bishal Sarang 0 i mean are there any ways to effectively make your code a bit shorter. ...