Theorem 1 There does not exist any algorithm which, given a dimension , a periodic subset of , and a finite subset of , determines in finite time whether there is a translational tiling of by . The caveat is that we have to work with periodic subsets of , rather than all of ; we ...
The compact group is quite large, and in particular is likely to be inseparable; but as with the case of graphons, when one is only studying at most countably many functions , one can cut down the size of this group to be separable (or equivalently, second countable or metrisable) if...
(MathOverflow users with enough privileges to see deleted answers will find that there are no less than seventeen deleted attempts at a proof in response to this question!) On the other hand, the one surviving response to the question does point out this paper of Poonen which shows that ...
Also, I noticed that , there seems some issue in the formula as if there's 3 Feature set , then in Col-M it must have 3 entries , but seems there are 4.. Br, Anupam anupambit1797 If you'd like the aggregation in output 2 to be like the one in output 1 then I switch from ...
(even if one works up to equivalence), making it problematic to give this class the structure of a measurable space; furthermore, even once one does so, one needs to take additional care to pin down what it would mean for a random vector lying in a random vector space to depend “...