9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook CONJ (redirected fromconjunctival) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to conjunctival:conjunctival sac,Conjunctival injection AcronymDefinition ...
following treatment. The central epithelial defect has closed, the hypopyon has subsided, the circumferential conjunctival injection has resolved, and the cornea is now more transparent. A clinician would be able to obtain all that information within a split second without any detailed description ...
Definition. SUNCT-Short-lasting, Unilateral, Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection and Tearing-isa rare form of headachethat is most common in men after age 50. Ice Pick Headaches And 3 Simple Tricks Video What diseases cause ice pick headaches?
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition BCVABest Corrected Visual Acuity BCVABest-Corrected Distance Visual Acuity(cataract surgery) BCVABritish Cattle Veterinary Association(Gloucestershire, UK) ...