The idea of ‘nature’ is at the very core of science, considered as its flagship and deepest link with human societies. However, while nature preservation has become a major social concern, the idea of nature remains elusive. We examine here the origins
MALE PROFESSOR: OK,, uh, to continue our discussion ...when philosophers talk about the basis of knowledge, they don't mean the source of information about any particular subject—they mean how we know what we know.Let's start with one philosophical view: foundationalism. ...
We could be dreaming— and there's really no good way to prove that we're not.So the commonsense picture of reality—that the world really is the way it looks to us—Descartes shows that we cannot just assume this to be true beyond all doubt, and he does this by talking about ...
It affects and bereaves it In advance, like the ghost it will become, but this is precisely where haunting begins. And its time, and the untimeliness of its present, of its being “out of joint.” To haunt does not mean to be present, and it is necessary to introduce haunting into ...
Amazon concedes that Chime SDK makes far more sense than the Chime application itself By Evan Schuman Feb 21, 20251 min Development ToolsSoftware Development video What is LLVM? | The compiler infrastructure explained Feb 21, 20256 mins
The shiny stuff (political scandals, celebrity nonsense, and more) in the long run, does not matter. We must turn away from the distractions, but it’s hard when those who “design” the distractions are very VERY good at it. The challenge with facing up to the mul...
I’m too tired to walk any further. The OED says In standard English the formfartheris usually preferred where the word is intended to be the comparative offar, whilefurtheris used where the notion offaris altogether absent It concedes, however, that “there is a large intermediate class of...
Taylor, the Pennsylvania woman who believes her failure to notice angel numbers led to her car crash, concedes part of Virtue’s argument when I raise it to her: “A lot of people use not just angel numbers but all woo-woo stuff to avoid responsibility,” she says. Still, Taylor, who...
What does cephalus say about old age? His answer: “If I were twenty years younger, I'd say I had the flu.”) Cephalus reports that old age has its advantages (apparently including the loss of his once intense and distracting interest in sex), and concedes that his being wealthy makes...
Okay, not really arrest them, Baker concedes. But the government will step in and provide recourse. But aren’t monopolies bad? Don’t we have anti-trust laws for a reason? A monopoly does provide market power that allows a company to extract greater profits from the market than they’d...