error CS0103: The name 'PublicDefinitions' does not exist in the current context Error CS0433: The type exists in both of two DLLs error CS1579: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator' Error duri...
I don’t think I’ve grokked currying yet. I understand what it does, and how to do it. I just can’t think of a situation I would use it. Where are you using currying in JavaScript (or where are the main libraries using it)? DOM manipulation or general application development exampl...
async function batch(o) { let arr = o.arr let resp = [] while (arr.length) { let subset = arr.splice(0, o.limit) let results = await Promise.all( resp.push(results) } return [].concat.apply([], resp) } let arr = [] for (let i = 0;...
C# - How do you send message from server to clients C# - 'Using' & 'SQLConn', Does the connection close itself when falling out of scope? C# - Access to private method from other class C# - Accessing Embedded Resources C# - Array of structs - Letting user decide how large the array...
This snippet does the same, but from the other end. It saves me aC-M-bever so often. I like it. Comments and Reactions2013-01-18 09:41:31 GMT Annoyed when Emacs opens the window below instead at the side? (defuntoggle-window-split() (interactive) (if(= (count-windows) 2) (let...
Do we really need to construct a new cache HashMap every time we do a cache lookup? Of course not… We can just filter the entries while we are traversing the cache. Changing line 17 fromvalues.find{}tocache.get.find{}does not do cache-entry expiration at the time of every single lo...
What does & mean in typescript? What is the difference between interface and type? What does enum mean as a type? What does the declare module '*.scss' of xxx.d.ts in the project mean?declare moduleWhat else can cfdefb7 do?
// 4 @briandoll @igrigorik Creating a Shared Understanding of Testing Culture on a Social Coding Site Leibniz Universität Hannover & Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Does the eye of the public make for better and well...
Strings1="java"; s1.concat(" rules"); System.out.println("s1 refers to "+s1);// Yes, s1 still refers to "java" What's happening: The first line is pretty straightforward: create a newString"java"and refers1to it. Next, the VM creates another newString"java rules", but nothing ...
We do not want to use any part of the test data in any way to modify our algorithms; Which are the reasons why we clean our test data and train data separately. The test set does not provide passengers survival status. We are going to use our model to predict passenger survival status...