Increase in nicotine pouch (NP) users, particularly among the young, is a matter of concern requiring a comprehensive understanding of its short- and long-term oral health implications. The objective of this research was to systematically review potential oral side-effects associated with NP usage....
Hargreaves K, et al. Drugs for pain management in dentistry. Lynch CD, et al. The cracked tooth syndrome. Mamoun JS, et al. Cracked tooth diagnosis and treatment: An alternative paradigm. Markowitz K, et al. Biologic properties of eugenol and zinc oxide-eugenol: A clinically oriented review...
What does RA mean in dental burs? Plain round right angle (RA) burs have a 22mm long shank and a small notch at the end for locking the bur in place. These burs are commonly used for removing bone in low speed handpieces. What does FG mean in dentistry? Friction Grip Shank (FG) ...
Does "holistic dentistry" treat the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth? Log in to post comments By Mojo (not verified) on 19 Mar 2013 #permalink lsm, It did seem a tad strange to show a gross colon to a dental patient with an open mouth and queazy stomach. More ...
In this dazzling Christmas special, Boris Karloff does an outstanding job voicing both the surly Grinch and the omnipresent narrator. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve seen it — watching the Grinch slither around Whoville to the tune of “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” will ...
By January 1986 a program was established to store backup (duplicate) panographic radiographs at the Central Panograph Storage Facility (CPSF) in Monterey, California. Highlights in the history of Army dentistry Contract grant sponsor: China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (CPSF); contract grant numb...