I tried Googling it, but that has only resulted in Google thinking I mean the word "Node" instead of No DEF, or deciding to give me the definitions of "Sims/Sims 4" "Definition" or "Means/Meaning"... I have a lot of feelings about how Google's search engine works these days, but...
In "options" > "gameplay" > "basic" there's "critical messages"Ioption (may be exclusive to the PC version). The game's tooltip explanation is non-existent "choose to show critical text messages in-game". Is the setting related to "critical" hits or something else? @abdulqadoos99 As...
for America and the West, he’s been a disaster and a deeply unsettling embarrassment to both man and God. He’s more polarizing than Trump and twice as dangerous. He sees Evil that does not exist
However, this weaker result already suffices for many applications, and does not need any result as deep as the mean value theorem. Proof: To simplify notation we allow implied constants to depend on . As before, we may assume that for some small constant depending only on . We may also...
Free does not always mean free. Some banks require owners to maintain a certain daily or monthly balance. To avoid fees, make sure you can maintain the minimum required balance in the time frame. Opening Deposit RequirementsBanks may also require a certain dollar amount as an initial deposit....
What do you mean by recent "misfortune" ? We tested many sending mail during 2 weeks, sometimes blank, all of them were put in quarantine. And the account dont seem to have been corrupt by attacker. As I said, the email arrive with an SCL score of 5...
I remember this well. I was in Viet Nam with 1 more month before going home. It's hard to explain today what it meant back then vs. what it means today. It does mean the same, but why is it, it's hard to understand that politicians don't grasp the statement "We the People"....
It does not matter that he has offered no policy or course for how he intends to “make America great again.” It does not matter that he has at various times rejected some or all of the Conservative ideas his followers appear to hold. Conservative evangelicals, who used to require candid...
I am very very frustrated. I look over the forum and someone recommend to download my user data and look it up there. And I sawBANNED_ACCOUNT_TAKEOVER What does that even mean? Mannn after a long day of work, I just want to play games to relax, and all this crap comes up....
Weighting on past vote “does a lot of stuff. It’s not just a non-response weight. It’s a brute-force correction,” Cliff Young, the president of U.S. public affairs at Ipsos, which has done election polling for ABC News, The Washington Post and other news ...