Weird-colored vaginal discharge can seriously freak you TF out—especially when it's brown. But before you start spiraling, it's probably helpful to know why you have brown discharge and when you need to see a doctor about it.
Here one has a finite set of Wang tiles –unit squares where each of the four sides is colored with a color (corresponding to the four cardinal directions North, South, East, and West) from some finite set of colors. The domino problem is then to tile the plane with copies of these ...
Gallstones develop when your gallbladder does not empty correctly. Stones can form from different bile materials. The following may increase your risk: Obesity or not enough physical activity Pregnancy A family history of gallstones A health condition such as diabetes, cirrhosis, or nonalcoholic fat...
A cough or hoarseness that does not go away or gets worse Chest pain that is worse when you take a deep breath, cough, or laugh Weight loss and loss of appetite Coughing up blood or rust-colored mucus Shortness of breath or new or worsened wheezing Feeling tired or weak Lung infections...
Oliva (n.) A genus of polished marine gastropod shells, chiefly tropical, and often beautifully colored. Olivaceous (a.) Resembling the olive; of the color of the olive; olive-green. Olivary (a.) Like an olive. Olivaster (a.) Of the color of the olive; tawny. Olive (n.) A tree...
Proteinuria: What Does Protein in the Urine Mean, and How Is It Tested? Proteins serve many functions in the body, but when proteins escape into urine, it can be a sign of potential kidney problems. It’s normal to have a small amount of protein in your urine, and temporarily higher le...
What do you mean by the term condyloid? a. What is the meaning of the word part lys-? b. Define a term that uses this word part. Define the following term: Epithelium What does the term mastication mean? Which of the following terms means to flow or discharge from the ear? a. sal...
I am very surprised that your list does not contain “processed meats and foodstuffs”? Reply September 23, 2018 at 8:15 PM I don’t speak English as a first language, can someone explain: 1. “Cut back drastically on grains and sugars” – what grains do they mean ? 2. And if i...
What does it mean no stopping or standing? A no standing sign means that “you can make a temporary stop to load or discharge passengers,” but that the driver cannot leave the car, and a no stopping sign means stopping is only allowed to obey “a traffic sign, signal or officer or ...
You begin to have tea-colored urine or pale, gray bowel movements. Your skin and eyes become more yellow, or other symptoms get worse. You are confused, or others notice changes in your behavior. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care. ...