In terms of financial toxicities, there are no free rides, right? When we add a doublet, we add double — or maybe more or less — the cost upfront. Does everybody need that? How do you think about that in the context of these agents that hopefully will become available in the ...
The re-expression of embryonic cardiac genes also does not necessarily mean that the CMs can undergo cell cycle like embryonic or neonatal CMs do. It is therefore debatable whether CMs in the myocardial pathologies mentioned above are really dedifferentiated to their immature cell stages, or simply...
How does a Philadelphia chromosome cause CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia)? How does a Philadelphia chromosome cause chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)? What are the differences between sickle cell anemia and leukemia? What is a Sickle cell anemia? What is metastasis and why is it incurable? What...
How does a Philadelphia chromosome cause CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia)? How does HR+ affect breast cancer in cell biology? How is prognosis related to prevalence and incidence in public health? How does sickle cell anemia affect the health and well-being of the individual carrying...
(CML) experts that addressed “the multiple factors involved in cancer drug pricing and their impact on individual patients and health care policies”, and argued “for the need to (1) lower the prices of cancer drugs to allow more patients to afford them and (2) maintain sound long-term ...
A registered general population cohort of adolescents (mean age 18 years, 36% male) provided ten daily ratings of their affective states for 6 consecutive days. The resulting time series were used to compute EWS in feeling down, listless, anxious, not relaxed, insecure, suspicious, and unwell...
From a medical standpoint, two of the biggest medical breakthroughs of the century: The Philadelphia chromosome in CML and H. pylori as the cause for gastric ulcers, were first published in throw-away journals decades before anyone considered their utility. ...
doctor. It was 614 the last time I went. Is this cause for concern and what do you need to do to lower your platelet count? Byanon2356— On Jul 08, 2007 I understand that platelet counts can go up in regular donors. If this is true, how much do they go up, and does this pres...