What does CTN mean in messages? Can't talk now CTN is a quick way to tell others when messaging that you are too preoccupied to talk now. For example, you may be in a large lecture hall for a class where you can message but not verbally speak. Or, you may not be able to communi...
What Does CMN Mean in a Text?home▸search c▸CMNThe Quick Answer CMN means "Call Me Now." More Observations... The abbreviation CMN is typically used as a request between friends and family members when the sender has to pay more to make calls than the recipient of the message. ...
2.What does AFC stand for in online chat? 5 8 -3 Away from computer On rare occasions, your friends or co-workers might use AFC to say they're currently "away from computer." While you're not likely to encounter this acronym at all, you're most likely to come across it in an Aw...
What does TB mean? TB is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the TB definition is given. Other terms relating to 'text': ·BOOKCool (predictive text ) ·DTBDon't Text Back ·DTTCDon't Text The Cell ...
What does phantom buzz mean? False phone vibration in your pocket A phantom buzz is when you think you feel your phone vibrating but it actually isn't. The feeling often occurs when you are anxiously awaiting a phone call or text and your mind tricks you into thinking that your phone is...