Ever since I was knocked to my knees in 2017, and the blessed Lord showed me more through His sight… of the clay I truly am in His beautiful hands, and how my experiences could help others struggling in this evil, deceitful world find a path out of their shadow of death! It has, ...
Sorry, but clutching pearls over Goldberg while stomaching DeSantis is inexcusable. One was naive. The other is self-serving. And yet the naive one is the one who gets put in time out. Understanding what Goldberg said and why When it comes to Goldberg’s comments, one can be forgiven fo...
I was pretty taken aback and just downright confused. So y’all are really clutching your pearls over Nancy Pelosi using a medical term one time to describe Trump while he’s spent a lifetime shaming, insulting and degrading women. That’s rich. Your ...
Does that mean my taste qualifies me to compete?? Nope, I told ya before–I’m Too S-l-o-o-o-w! Cute Jacket. Project Runway? So my final “taste” of New York, as we’re waiting on the Uber, is the last of many Gong Cha teas I consumed. Gong Cha–with the tapioca pearls!