SOCLC SOCLR SOCM SOCMA SOCMAR SOCMC SOCME SOCMET SOCMI SOCMIS SOCMM SOCMOB SOCN SOCNAV SOCNE SOCO SOCOCO SOCODEI SOCODEVI SOCOFIRA SOCOG SOCOJ SOCOM SOCOMM SOCOMUN SOCON SOCONY SOCOORD SOCOYO SOCP SOCPA SOCPAC SOCPF SOCPO Article PubMed Google Scholar Ungprasert P, Matteson EL, Thongprayoon C. Nonaspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of hemorrhagic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Stroke. 2016;47(2):356–64. https://...
Example: Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC)The scope of damage assessment in order to establish liabilityConclusion remarks on assessmentCONCEPT DESIGN ON ASSESSMENTAssessment strategyDISCUSSIONPollutionActivities by manPrecautionary Principle
Sigma is the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet, but does that mean a sigma male is just an average guy in the middle of the pack? Or is he something else entirely? Even if you’re familiar with the concept of the male hierarchy—a social construct that groups men into supposedly distin...