With respect to a people’s right and ability to preserve itself, natural law and divine law were not abolished by Christianity but supplemented. Christianity gives us ways of understanding conflict and negotiating for non-violent resolution that we may not have had before. However, it does not ...
Does this mean all Americans have the same opinion of the 2nd Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms? No. Does it mean Americans all have the same opinion on the continuance of slavery in American Prison’s? No. The Constitution is a symbol of American law, values, and ethics j...
We are aware of Ayn Rand’s hostility to religion in general and Christianity in particular; her vehemence on the subject is thoroughly documented and perfectly obvious to anyone who has read anything that she wrote. However, her philosophy, though flawed at best, recognized the benefits of free...
Christianity is being concerned about [others], not building a million-dollar church while people are starving right around the corner. Christ was a revolutionary person, out there where it was happening. That's what God is all about, and that's where I get my strength. —Fannie Lou Hamer...
There is a parallel in Christianity as well. There is substantial diversity in the movement that is Christianity, yet there is a common core of essential commitments of Christianity, called “essential doctrine”. These commitments constitute the core of the theory of Christian theism. Beyond that...
The voluntaryist creed, like ideas about gravity, Marxism, skiing, Christianity or cooking, is just that; an idea. We might also call voluntaryism a “theory” or “a way of life” or a “philosophy.” As with other “ideas” we ought to examine Voluntaryism and convince ourselves through...
and certainly the Protestants dealt with their own share of intolerance for their views as well. In terms of politically correct, we have to consider the freedom of speech of the Protestant propaganda, the intolerance and tolerance of each type of Christianity toward the other, and the sensitivit...
As a companion piece with thearticle on Jon Acuff, I wrote an article for Christianity Today onwhy Christians need to be learning from secular business thinkers. More and more Christians have been learning from secular business thinkers over the last few years. I think this is a really good ...
32Answers It’s not a religion, just a figure of speech. Ron_C(14485)“Great Answer”(3)Flag as…¶ Vazhkenatism wundayatta(58741)“Great Answer”(1)Flag as…¶ There are more religions out there other than christianity or judaism, that’s first but I don’t think you’re pract...
makes it easier to shift your thoughts away from your irresistible but happily married colleague, your boss, dentist, or whomever else ‘takes your fancy’… (interesting turn of phrase by the way!). I also believe that a regular orgasm does wonders for our self confidence, health and well...