I know adrenaline is what your body uses for 'fight or flight' but is it always involuntary? I heard there are some, very rare people who can access their adrenaline at will. Personally I think that's false but I'd just like to make sure. Also does adrenaline hurt you in anyway?
I know adrenaline is what your body uses for 'fight or flight' but is it always involuntary? I heard there are some, very rare people who can access their adrenaline at will. Personally I think that's false but I'd just like to make sure. Also does adrenaline hurt you in anyway?
locally (see also Kyllönen et al.2006): “Our summer pastures are very good, so we could get lots of calves in autumn and the calving weight would be high … if we could increase the number of reindeer. This would mean financial income for us if meat prices were good. If prices we...
I know adrenaline is what your body uses for 'fight or flight' but is it always involuntary? I heard there are some, very rare people who can access their adrenaline at will. Personally I think that's false but I'd just like to make sure. Also does adrenaline hurt you in anyway?