It does so by engaging with two of the most authoritative views on the subject which have recently been put forward in the Common law world—namely, Lord Hoffmann’s, and Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin’s. A key-concern of the Anglophone debate on legal reasoning is whether it is a ...
See Honneth: “Kant therefore assumes, just like Hegel, a teleology concerning directed progress; but he does not deliver it over to the anonymous process of an unfolding of spirit. Instead, he takes this teleology as a construction that the subjects acting in the sense of enlightenment must a...
Although spousal concordance has been reported in specific chronic illnesses, the impact they cumulatively exert on a spouse in a longitudinal setting has not been investigated. We aimed to determine whether one’s cumulative illness burden has a longitudinal impact on that of their spouse. Methods ...
However, this apparent better performance in temporal validation compared to internal validation does not completely rule out the influence of randomness. Nevertheless, it is most importantly indicative of our model’s strong generalization ability, lending strong credibility to the results. Notably, The...
[Cf. first report of the case in Mind X., 263, translated from Pflüger's Archiv.Ed.] I believe that it constitutes the only remaining case of the sort in medical literature, so that with is our survey is complete. On referring to the original, which is important in many connexions, ...
So if Laurent’s English errors are the result of translating everything he says in English from French, and if the French don’t use the present continuous tense, then why does Laurent nearly always speak English using the present continuous tense? Doesn’t make sense does it! It seems ob...
What does it mean to develop an HIV vaccine by rational design? This review argues that the three popular concepts of design, rationality and reductionism, which guided vaccine research for many years, actually contributed to the inability of vaccinologists to develop an effective HIV vaccine. The...
For example, the PCP may have mentioned that the patient is “not frail” or referred to the patient’s caregiver as frail. eConsult utilization for cases related to frailty are summarized in Table 1. The age of patients included ranged between 66.0 and 101.2 years, with a mean of 85.7 ...
respectively. Among studies reporting mean frequency across the whole study sample, the total number of AI and UAI acts ranged from 1.1 to 16.9 (N = 8) and 1.0 to 1.7 (N = 3). The percentage of all intercourse acts that were anal ranged from 2.4 to 15.9% in the six studies...
(MLPA), as group-mean centering can change model interpretation. Due to non-convergence of our models in the case of freely estimated variances (Asparouhov & Muthén,2008), we only allowed the means of the profile indicators (i.e., leadership behaviors) to be freely estimated (Diallo et ...