a brown or black skin lesion with uneven borders, or one part of the lesion does not look like the other a change in the size and color of a mole a new skin lesion or bump any other changes to your health Increased risk of getting serious infections. CellCept weakens the body’s...
How long does it take to heal after heart transplant? Recovery after your heart transplant is similar to the recovery after any heart surgery. It takesabout six to eight weeksfor your incisions to heal. At first, you may have some muscle or incision discomfort in your chest during activity....
but sometimes there’s a mismatch between the host and the donor that involves the human leukocyte antigen (HLA). This is a molecule on the surface of nearly every cell in the body. That can lead to GVHD.
Your Melatonin Dosage should not exceed 3-5mg for adults and 2mg for children. In rare cases some people have taken over 20mg with no visiblemelatonin side effects. This does not mean you should do the same, seeing that melatonin is a hormonal drug and the side effects could take years ...
I am diagnosed as a Musk Myasthenia patient. I had an attack in July 2006 and had to undergo plasmapheresis. I have been taking Cellcept for more than three years. I was told my thymus gland is OK. What is the cause of this disease and how long will I have to take this medicine?